In 2012, a law passed under President Obama changed the way news is delivered to you, and it’s a big reason why so much of today’s media seems biased. Have you ever wondered why it feels like the mainstream media can twist stories, push certain narratives, and even leave out important facts? It turns out there’s a reason for that—and it’s something most Americans have no idea about. Here’s the eye-opening story behind it and why, despite all this, there’s still hope for a bright future.
What Changed in 2012?
Before 2012, American news outlets couldn’t legally use propaganda on their own citizens. But that year, President Obama signed the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act into law. Originally, the Smith-Mundt Act, which was passed in 1948, was designed to let the U.S. government share information and promote American ideals abroad, especially during the Cold War. It prohibited the government from using those same tactics on Americans. The goal was to make sure citizens got truthful, unbiased news.
However, with the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012, those protections were stripped away. Suddenly, news agencies in the U.S. could legally use propaganda—meaning they could present information in a way that might not be entirely true or could be designed to push a particular agenda. This was a monumental shift, and most people didn’t even know it was happening.
Who Uses It More?
Since this law was passed, many believe that the Left-wing media—which tends to support the Democratic Party—has used this power much more aggressively than their conservative counterparts. This isn’t just a theory. There’s plenty of evidence to suggest that certain media outlets have become more aligned with pushing narratives that benefit the political Left, often leaving out details that might hurt their side or exaggerating those that support it.
According to surveys from the Pew Research Center, over 80% of Americans feel like the media favors one side over the other. The left-leaning news sources have become a powerful tool for shaping public opinion, often using their platforms to echo the messages of the Democratic Party. This makes it hard to tell what’s fact and what’s spin.
Why This Matters
When the media is allowed to propagate specific messages, it can divide us. People hear only what they want to hear, reinforcing their existing beliefs. But even more concerning is that it becomes nearly impossible for the average American to know what’s true and what’s not.
Imagine how this affects elections, major decisions, and public trust. If you’re not getting the full picture, how can you make informed decisions about who to vote for or what policies to support? That’s exactly what has been happening since this law passed.
The Left's Monopoly on the Media
It’s no secret that major news networks like CNN, MSNBC, and others lean heavily to the Left. In fact, a Harvard study found that during the first 100 days of Trump’s presidency, coverage of him was overwhelmingly negative—80% of it, to be exact. Compare this to much softer coverage of Democratic leaders, and you start to see the pattern. These media giants are often seen as the megaphone for the Democratic Party, pushing their views and priorities while downplaying the other side.
But Here’s the Good News
Despite the Left’s control of much of the mainstream media, millions of Americans are waking up to what’s happening. Independent media outlets, conservative podcasts, and grassroots efforts are gaining traction. People are beginning to demand accountability and are searching for more trustworthy sources of information.
Platforms like Patriot Academy and WallBuilders are rising, offering truthful, fact-based reporting that aligns with American values and the Constitution. Conservative voices like Ben Shapiro, Candace Owens, and others are making waves, providing alternative viewpoints that millions are eager to hear.
Social media has also become a battleground for truth. With more people fact-checking, sharing alternative news sources, and questioning the mainstream narrative, there’s hope that the power of propaganda can be weakened.
Why This Is a Battle Worth Fighting
The media is a powerful tool, but it’s not unstoppable. With more Americans becoming aware of the way information is being manipulated, we have the opportunity to push back and demand better. By supporting independent outlets, questioning mainstream narratives, and sharing reliable information, we can make sure that the truth prevails.
Remember, we’re not just passive recipients of the news. We can choose who we listen to, what we believe, and who we support. And with millions of Americans waking up to the bias in the media, the future looks brighter than ever for those who stand for truth.