In a stunning statement, former Vice President Dick Cheney declared that “there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump.” Cheney goes on to endorse Vice President Kamala Harris, a decision that highlights both his hypocrisy and a disregard for the constitutional principles he claims to defend.
Hypocrisy of the Left After Trump’s 2016 Victory
Cheney’s condemnation of Trump for allegedly trying to “steal the election” conveniently ignores how Democrats reacted when Trump won in 2016. From day one, Democrats refused to accept the outcome. They promoted the baseless Russia collusion narrative, pushed for recounts, and made numerous efforts to delegitimize Trump’s presidency. High-profile Democrats, including Hillary Clinton, repeatedly called Trump “illegitimate.” Multiple Democratic lawmakers boycotted his inauguration. If Cheney were genuinely concerned about undermining democracy, he should acknowledge these sustained efforts to overturn a legitimate election.
Election Challenges Are Constitutional
Cheney’s claim that Trump tried to stay in power “using lies and violence” by challenging the 2020 election is a distortion of the facts. Trump's legal team pursued electoral challenges, focusing on voting irregularities and violations of state election laws in key battleground states. This was not an attempt to “steal” the election, but a constitutional right guaranteed to any candidate who believes there were issues in the electoral process. The election came down to fewer than 50,000 votes in three states, and Trump’s challenge of those results was within the framework of the law.
The Constitution provides a process for contesting elections, and Trump’s efforts to do so were entirely lawful. Many of these states changed election procedures in ways that violated their own laws or sidestepped legislative authority. Far from subverting the democratic process, Trump’s actions were a defense of it.
January 6 and Misplaced Blame
Cheney’s description of January 6, 2021, as a violent attempt to keep Trump in power oversimplifies a complex situation. Trump called for peaceful protests and offered to deploy the National Guard to maintain order—a request that was at worst was rejected by D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser and Speaker Nancy Pelosi; at best, it was incompetently executed. Blaming Trump for the chaos ignores the fact that the only death that day directly caused by violence was that of Ashli Babbitt, an unarmed Trump supporter, shot by law enforcement. Cheney’s selective narrative paints Trump as the aggressor, while ignoring the Democrats' rejection of security measures that could have prevented violence.
Kamala Harris and the Left’s Abandonment of Constitutional Principles
Cheney’s endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris raises additional questions, given her role in an administration that has consistently flouted constitutional norms. Harris, who was rejected by her own party’s voters in the Democratic primaries, was elevated to the vice presidency through political maneuvering, not through the will of Democratic delegates. This backroom manipulation should raise concerns for anyone claiming to stand for democracy.
Additionally, Harris and the Biden administration have shown a troubling disregard for the Constitution in other areas, particularly regarding border security. The Biden-Harris administration’s refusal to enforce immigration laws has led to a crisis at the southern border, where federal statutes are openly ignored. By failing to uphold their constitutional duty to “faithfully execute” the laws, they have abandoned their responsibility to protect American sovereignty, posing a far greater threat to our republic than anything seen on January 6.
Cheney’s Globalist Interests and Hypocrisy
Cheney’s endorsement of Harris is especially ironic, given his history with the left. Democrats once vilified him for his ties to Halliburton and accused him of war profiteering during the Iraq War. Yet now, Cheney finds himself in alignment with the same people who spent years attacking his integrity. This sudden shift appears less about principle and more about protecting his globalist interests. By supporting Harris, Cheney is backing policies that erode national sovereignty, such as the administration’s lax border enforcement and its prioritization of global interests over American security.
The True Threat to Our Republic
Cheney’s statement that Trump is the “greatest threat to our republic” is both hyperbolic and misdirected. The real threat comes from those who, like Harris and the Democrats, repeatedly ignore the Constitution when it suits their political objectives. Whether it’s their attempts to stop Trump’s inauguration in 2016, the manipulation of their own primary process to elevate Harris, or their refusal to enforce immigration laws, the Democratic Party’s selective adherence to constitutional norms is the greatest danger facing our republic.
Cheney’s endorsement of Kamala Harris reveals his true motivation—not a principled defense of the Constitution, but a desire to preserve the globalist power structures that benefit elites at the expense of everyday Americans. If we are to preserve the republic, we must recognize that the threat comes not from Trump, but from those willing to undermine the Constitution for political gain.
The Constitution provides a process for contesting elections
- Article II, Section 1:
- 12th Amendment:
Many states made last-minute changes to their election procedures for the 2020 presidential election