Throughout American history, strong leaders have emerged during times of crisis to preserve the nation and its founding principles. Abraham Lincoln and Donald Trump, though separated by over a century and facing vastly different challenges, share a striking parallel in their leadership. Lincoln fought to preserve the Union by preventing Americans from leaving, while Trump seeks to preserve the Union by enforcing immigration laws and ensuring that those who have no legal right to stay are removed.
Lincoln’s Fight to Keep Americans In
Abraham Lincoln took office at a time of unprecedented division. Southern states, convinced that their way of life was under threat, moved to secede from the Union. Lincoln’s primary goal was clear: to stop the Union from breaking apart. He was willing to use every tool at his disposal to prevent the dissolution of the United States, believing that preserving the nation was paramount. His leadership through the Civil War reaffirmed the idea that the Union was indivisible.

Civil War recruitment posters and broadsides (1861-1864), rallying Northern volunteers with calls to preserve the Union and defend the nation.
Trump’s Fight to Keep Illegals Out
While Trump’s battle is different in nature, his objective mirrors Lincoln’s in a profound way. Where Lincoln sought to stop Americans from leaving the country and dividing the Union, Trump fights to remove those who have entered unlawfully, seeking to preserve the nation’s sovereignty, security, and identity. Just as Lincoln faced fierce opposition from those who wished to reshape the nation through secession, Trump faces relentless resistance from those who seek to redefine America by erasing its borders and undermining the rule of law.

Photo of the Migrant Caravan – A major crisis unfolding, as massive caravans move toward the U.S. border, posing a significant challenge and resembling an invasion of sorts. (The Atlantic)
A Slogan That Defines Their Parallel Struggles
The essence of their leadership can be captured in a simple yet powerful slogan:
"Lincoln preserved the Union by keeping Americans in; Trump preserves the Union by keeping illegals out."
Ironically, the Civil War was often seen as the North invading the South to preserve the Union. Yet today, one of the greatest threats to the Union comes in the form of an invasion moving northward—mass illegal immigration. Lincoln fought to stop the nation from breaking apart, while Trump fights to stop it from being overrun. Though their battles were different, their mission was the same—protecting America’s sovereignty, identity, and future.
Different Battles, Same Mission
Both leaders understood that a nation cannot survive without law and order. Lincoln’s struggle was against those who sought to fracture the United States, while Trump’s struggle is against those who seek to weaken its borders and dilute its national character. In both cases, opposition forces resisted fiercely, yet both men stood firm in their convictions.
As history continues to unfold, the legacy of both Lincoln and Trump will be debated. However, one thing remains clear: their commitment to preserving the Union was, and is, unwavering. Different times, different threats—but the same fight to keep America strong.