A real question from a Biden supporter: "Why do conservatives think liberals are clueless?"
THE SERIOUS ANSWER: Here’s what the majority of pro-Trump Americans honestly feel about Biden supporters en masse:
That when you saw a man who pushed a fraudulent student loan bailout, intent on scamming taxpayers, you thought, "Fine."
See what we did there? This is merely a mirror of how Adam-Troy Castro’s article starts. It proves that anything can be worded to fit a narrative—whether true or not. The left manipulates language to push an emotional, misleading argument rather than relying on facts.
But we don’t live in a world of narratives—we live in a world of facts. And facts don’t change just because the media spins them a certain way.
The left has mastered the art of deception, and Adam-Troy Castro’s recent hit piece is a textbook example of how Democrats weaponize misinformation, strawman arguments, and outright lies to demonize Trump supporters. The irony? They accuse conservatives of being uninformed while parroting mainstream media fabrications without a shred of independent thought.
Let’s break down every false claim, expose the hypocrisy, and highlight the true racist and communist leanings of the Democrat Party. All sources are below.
1. Trump University Was a Scam? False Equivalence
Castro’s Claim: Trump “owned a fraudulent university” that scammed poor people.
Reality: The Trump University lawsuit was a civil case, not a criminal fraud case. Trump settled—not because of guilt, but because fighting frivolous lawsuits is often more expensive than settling. Meanwhile, Democrats continue to champion actual fraudsters like Elizabeth Warren, who lied about being Native American to get ahead, or Joe Biden, who plagiarized his way through law school. Where’s the outrage for them?
Hypocrisy Alert: The left pretends to care about financial fraud but ignores the Biden family’s corrupt foreign dealings with China and Ukraine.
2. Trump Stiffed Creditors? Dishonest Spin
Castro’s Claim: Trump refused to pay creditors.
Reality: Trump, like any businessman, faced lawsuits from vendors. But so did Amazon, Microsoft, and even Barack Obama’s failed solar company, Solyndra. Business disputes happen. However, what about Joe Biden’s shady pay-for-play schemes? Hunter Biden raked in millions selling access to his father—that’s actual corruption.
Hypocrisy Alert: The same people who whine about Trump’s business deals ignore how the Clintons made billions off the Clinton Foundation, promising favors in exchange for donations.
3. Trump’s “Sexual Abuse” Brag? Media Manipulation
Castro’s Claim: Trump admitted to sexual abuse on tape.
Reality: The infamous “Access Hollywood” tape was a private conversation taken out of context. He said that when you’re rich, women let you do anything—which is about celebrity culture, not assault.
Meanwhile, Joe Biden has been credibly accused of sexual assault by Tara Reade, and Bill Clinton flew to Epstein’s island 26 times. If Democrats actually cared about sexual misconduct, they wouldn’t have protected Clinton or defended Hollywood predators like Harvey Weinstein.
Hypocrisy Alert: The left ignores actual rapists but virtue-signals over a decade-old tape of Trump talking about consensual relationships.
4. Trump’s 9/11 “Cheering Muslims” Story? Misrepresented
Castro’s Claim: Trump lied about Muslim-Americans celebrating 9/11.
Reality: There were reports of some people celebrating 9/11 in New Jersey, but the media conveniently tried to suppress them. Numerous eyewitness accounts confirm that there were pockets of people in Paterson and Jersey City who did, in fact, cheer.
Hypocrisy Alert: The same people who call Trump a liar covered up Biden’s repeated fabrications about his academic history, his supposed “civil rights activism,” and his blatant race-baiting.
5. Trump Mocked the Disabled? Media Deception
Castro’s Claim: Trump mocked a disabled reporter.
Reality: This is one of the biggest media lies of the 2016 election. Trump often waves his hands and exaggerates speech patterns when imitating people he thinks are flustered—not just disabled people. Video evidence shows he used the same mannerisms when mocking Ted Cruz and a general.
Hypocrisy Alert: Democrats pretend to be champions of the disabled while pushing abortion laws that allow the killing of disabled babies up until birth.
6. Central Park Five? Manipulating the Facts
Castro’s Claim: Trump wanted the Central Park Five in prison even after their exoneration.
Reality: The Central Park Five were not innocent angels—they were in the park beating and robbing people the night of the attack. Their confessions were not coerced, and evidence suggests they were involved in gang assaults.
Meanwhile, Joe Biden wrote the 1994 Crime Bill, which disproportionately jailed black men, but somehow, the left ignores this.
Hypocrisy Alert: The party that built the KKK and enforced Jim Crow now pretends to be racial justice warriors while backing policies that destroy black communities.
7. Trump Encouraged Violence? Misrepresented Again
Castro’s Claim: Trump told supporters to “beat up” protesters.
Reality: He jokingly said he’d pay legal fees for supporters defending themselves against violent leftist agitators who were attacking Trump rallies. Meanwhile, BLM and Antifa mobs burned down cities, assaulted Trump supporters, and even murdered people, and Democrats called them “mostly peaceful protests.”
Hypocrisy Alert: The left openly supports violence when it’s their side doing it. They bailed out rioters in 2020 but called January 6 an “insurrection.”
8. Trump Profiting from the Presidency? Laughable Accusation
Castro’s Claim: Trump profited off his presidency.
Reality: Trump lost over $1 billion while in office because he put America first. Meanwhile, the Biden family sold out to China, Ukraine, and Russia, making millions through Hunter’s shady deals.
Hypocrisy Alert: Democrats don’t care about government profiteering—they just don’t want outsiders like Trump exposing their racket.
9. Trump’s “Racism” and “Nazi” Allegations? Fake News
Castro’s Claim: Trump courted neo-Nazis.
Reality: The media twisted Trump’s “very fine people” comment from Charlottesville. He specifically condemned white supremacists in the same speech. Meanwhile, Joe Biden gave a eulogy for KKK Exalted Cyclops Robert Byrd.
Hypocrisy Alert: The left wants you to believe Trump is a Nazi, but they support Marxist policies that killed millions under Stalin, Mao, and Castro.
opes.com/fact-check/trump-very-fine-people/ (EVEN SNOPES DEBUNKED)
10. Immigration Lies: Obama Built the Cages
Castro’s Claim: Trump put kids in cages.
Reality: Obama built the cages in 2014. Trump simply enforced immigration laws already on the books. The left cried over “kids in cages” but ignored the Biden administration’s horrific border crisis, with children being trafficked at record levels.
Hypocrisy Alert: The same Democrats who claim to care about migrants support open borders that empower cartels and lead to child exploitation.
The Real Reason Liberals Think Trump Supporters Are “Stupid”
The left doesn’t actually believe Trump supporters are stupid. They just can’t stand that millions of Americans reject their radical ideology.
They don’t want to have a real debate. Instead, they lie, manipulate, and resort to personal attacks because they have no real solutions.
If supporting a secure border, strong economy, and American sovereignty makes someone "stupid," then maybe the real problem isn’t intelligence—it’s the left’s intellectual dishonesty and hatred for everyday Americans.
In other words....
The Democrat Party is the party of Marxism, division, and authoritarian control. They call Trump supporters racist, yet their policies keep minority communities trapped in poverty. They call conservatives “anti-democratic,” yet they want to censor speech, take your guns, and destroy election integrity.
The truth is, Trump supporters aren’t stupid. They’re awake. And that’s what really terrifies the left.
Debunking the Lies – Source List
Trump University Lawsuit
🔹 Trump University Lawsuit Was a Civil Case, Not Criminal
📌 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_University
Trump’s Business Dealings
🔹 Lawsuits in Business Are Common—Even Amazon, Microsoft, and Obama’s Solyndra Faced Them
📌 https://www.reuters.com/article/2011/10/10/us-solyndra-issa-idUSTRE79960J20111010/
🔹 Joe Biden’s Sexual Assault Accuser, Tara Reade
📌 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Kzx_rFntCU
9/11 Celebration Controversy
🔹 Reports Confirm Some People in New Jersey Did Cheer 9/11
Trump “Mocking the Disabled” – Proven False
🔹 Trump Used the Same Mannerisms to Mock Others, Including Ted Cruz
Central Park Five – The Full Story
🔹 Our Video That Exposes the Truth – Over 13 Million Views
📌 Watch on YouTube
🔹 Central Park Five Were Involved in Criminal Activity the Night of the Attack
Trump’s “Violence” Claims vs. Democrat-Endorsed Riots
🔹 Trump Did not Encouraged Violence – Media Distortion
🔹 Democrats Encouraged 2020 Riots and Bailed Out Violent Criminals
📌 https://x.com/ErrolWebber/status/1840789484977389902
Trump’s “Profiting” vs. Biden’s Corrupt Family Business
🔹 Trump Lost Over $1 Billion While in Office
📌 https://x.com/BelannF/status/1880427152933548339
🔹 Hunter Biden’s Deals with China & Ukraine
📌 New York Post
The “Very Fine People” Hoax
🔹 Trump Explicitly Condemned White Supremacists in Charlottesville
📌https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-very-fine-people/ (SNOPES)
🔹 Joe Biden Eulogized KKK Leader Robert Byrd
📌 https://x.com/JDunlap1974/status/1823026775946895390
Obama Built the Cages – Not Trump
🔹 Obama’s Immigration Policies Created the “Kids in Cages” Narrative
📌 https://theconservativetake.locals.com/post/3707730/the-separation-of-minors-of-illegal-immigrants📌https://x.com/listen_2learn/status/1865884300157362418
🔹 Biden’s Border Crisis is the Real Disaster
📌 https://thefederalist.com/2024/05/15/dont-buy-the-medias-spin-about-illegal-border-crossings-being-down
Every single point in Castro’s anti-Trump smear piece is based on lies, distortions, or outright hypocrisy. Democrats accuse Trump supporters of being ignorant, yet they themselves rely on manipulated narratives and corporate media talking points.